Handling File Uploads in a Serverless API Endpoint
In this post, I walkthrough using signed URLs to enable asynchronous file uploads in a serverless API endpoint.
A Quicknote on Dependency Injection and TypeScript
I’m doing some rapid prototyping of a TypeScript API that will query a database. I quickly ran into coupling issues when I went to write some unit tests. ** Dependency Injection enters the chat **
Retrieving AWS SSM Parameters with Node
This is a note to my future self on how to retrieve SSM parameters with Node
Fig: Generating features images with TypeScript
I wrote Fig to easily generate social media images for my blog posts. It started as a Gulp script, but is now Node library written in TypeScript.
Making Better Use of Lighthouse with Puppeteer
Lighthouse is a useful tool that can evaluate the performance, accessibility, and the use of web development best practices on our websites and in our web apps. Combining it with Puppeteer enables you to really integrate and automate Lighthouse analysis.
Generating Feature Images: Gulp + Puppeteer
This is part 2 of my journey with Gulp. I’ve created a script that uses Puppeteer and some HTML, to generate feature images for website posts.
Generating Feature Images: Getting Started with Gulp
Lets get started with Gulp. My goal is to write some automation for generating social media feature posts. Part 1 covers getting started with Gulp.
Hello Playwright
Time to checkout a new browser automation library for Nodejs with support for Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Webkit browsers.
Puppyteer Crawler
In this Puppeteer Experiment (a new thing!), I combine a Puppeteer powered web crawler with some #MachineLearning to crawl a pet shelter’s website for all of the adorable dog pictures. I call it, the Puppyteer Crawler (alternate title: The Puppeteer Collar). 🐶
Turning Markdown into PDFs using Puppeteer
How to take all of your Markdown and generate good looking PDFs from it.