Puppyteer Crawler

In this Puppeteer Experiment (a new thing!), I combine a Puppeteer powered web crawler with some #MachineLearning to crawl a pet shelter’s website for all of the adorable dog pictures. I call it, the Puppyteer Crawler (alternate title: The Puppeteer Collar). 🐶
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Turning Markdown into PDFs using Puppeteer

How to take all of your Markdown and generate good looking PDFs from it.
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Get Me the GIF!

How Serverless, Puppeteer, FFMPEG, and AWS Lambda can help you get the GIFs from Twitter.
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Taxes With Puppeteer

Danny Guo outlines the steps he took in writing a Nodejs / Puppeteer script to enter data into TurboTax.
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Getting Started With Puppeteer

Puppeteer is a JavaScript / Node library which provides a high-level API to instrument Google Chrome or Chromium using the Chrome DevTools Protocol.
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Clearing an input field in Puppeteer

I’m working on a project in Puppeteer. I needed to clear a text field. Turns out, it’s not straightforward, but it’s not hard either.
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